STLRC – Upcoming Rides and Events

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Participation in STLRC Rides and Hikes is at your own risk.  STLRC assumes no liability.

All rides are free for St. Louis Recreational Cyclists members. Non-members must join by their second ride.

Time of Arrival:  8:15 am

Time of Departure:  8:30 am

Description:  We will ride the rolling hills of Waterloo  for 40 miles with 1824 ft of elevation.  One big hill (Andy Rd).


  • I-270/255 SE across the JB Bridge.
  • Go right at Exit #6 towards Columbia/Hwy 3 south.
  • Go for 9.1 miles to HH Road.
  • Turn right on HH towards Walmart.
  • Turn left at first street and then right into Walmart parking lot.

Cue Sheet: Waterloo Loops

Ride with GPS:  For Smartphone RidewithGPS Transfer: RidewithGPS file for 40 miles


Stops:  Restrooms in the Walmart at the start.  Rest Stop at Circle K at Main and 4th in Waterloo.

Road Hazards: Be careful crossing 3 in Waterloo at   Gilmore Lake and Hilltop and later at Moore.

Ride Leader:  Faye Holdenried  636-399-4604


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