STLRC – Membership 

Stay connected, stay healthy, and never miss out on the fun. Joining is easy and anyone wanting to join us for our bike rides are encouraged to join. Membership is only $20 per year (Membership Application). New members pay $20 if joining before June 30th.  If joining after June 30th, the dues for new members are prorated to $10 for the remainder of that year.  A “new member” is one who was not a member of STLRC the previous year.  All participants are protected under our group insurance plan.

Mission Statement

The purpose of the Club is to encourage and facilitate recreational bicycling activities as part of a healthy lifestyle, which shall be accomplished by organizing and conducting recreational rides, promoting biking safety, providing social opportunities for club members, and gathering and disseminating information about recreational bicycling, and any other lawful activities.

Who is STLRC?

The club is a group of mature adults who enjoy riding bicycles.

  • Leaders volunteer as needed and select the route for the ride event they lead.

  • Schedule and other information about planned events is presented on this calendar.

  • St. Louis Recreational Cyclists have a variety of rides — all of them essentially recreational in nature. Many try to avoid hilly routes, and ride an average of 25 to 50+ miles at a reasonable pace, taking occasional water and rest breaks during the ride. Others go for greater distances at a faster pace, and sometimes over more hilly terrain.

Find an event that suits your taste and join us!

About STLRC Membership

Club membership is open to all cyclists who are willing to abide by the good riding practices described on this website.

  • Membership dues for existing members are $20.00 per year and are due at the beginning of the year.  New members joining before June 30 of the current year will pay $20.  After June 30th, the prorated dues for new members will be $10.  A new member is one who was not a member the year before. Dues for returning members are delinquent after January 31st and returning members will be charged $25.  First time guests may participate on a ride free but prior to participating in a second event, each person is expected to become a member.

  • The membership form is also a waiver of liability. Each first time guest will be asked to sign a non-member waiver.

  • Members of STLRC participate free on all club events.

Membership Application

To join or renew your membership, simply send your completed Membership Application & Renewal Form to the address listed on the form along with your annual dues.

  • Since you will sign a waiver when you become a member, the sign-in sheet used at each event does not contain a waiver.

  • STLRC carries insurance which protects the members, event leaders, and the club directors and officers from liability suits resulting from a problem on an event. This insurance also serves as secondary medical insurance to any participant who is injured on an event.

  • For more information visit the website of our insurance provider.


We also encourage people to become individual members of the League of American Bicyclists.