STLRC – Upcoming Rides and Events

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Starting Location:  Minnie Ha Ha Park, 801 Old Gravois Road, Sunset Hills, MO 63127.  Park borders Fenton, MO.
Meeting time: 9:45 am
Time of Departure: 10:00 am
Description:  Walk the flat paved trails of the park.  There are also some newer mulched paths but they are easily avoidable if they are too soggy.  We will hike approx. 4 miles but it is easy to do less while others do more.  If this isn’t enough walking, there is always George Winter and Fenton Park plus the path along the Meramec River towards Emmeneger Park.


  • From  I-44 and 141, go south on 141 going under the Hwy 30 overpass.
  • Left on Old Gravois Road just past the bridge over the Meramec River.
  • Immediate left into the park
  • left into Minnie Ha Ha not right into the soccer and bmx park.
  • Park in the first parking lot on your left.
  • (There are many ways of  getting to this park.  You may want to use your gps directions.Experience:   EASY
    Stops: We can stop at the various restrooms as needed and a short stop at the park on West Watson.  Some like to use the short zip line.Hike Coordinator:  Faye Holdenried  636-399-4604

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