STLRC – Upcoming Rides and Events

Busch Wildlife – Pork Chop Gravel Ride
August 23, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 11:30 am
Participation in STLRC Rides & Hikes is at your own risk. STLRC assumes no liability.
All rides are free for St. Louis Recreational Cyclists members. Non-members must join by their second ride.
Starting Location: Weldon Spring Interpretive Center, 7295 MO-94, St. Charles, MO 63304
Plenty of parking available.
Rest Rooms: Better make a rest room stop before arrival at the start. The Interpretive Center doesn’t open until 9AM. There are some Porta-potties about 3 miles into the route that we can take advantage of and a nice rest room on the Katy Trail. There are plenty of trees also.
Time of Departure: 8:00 AM
Description: Gravel Ride – Options for 24 or 29.5 or 44 if you’re feeling frisky, taking in Busch Wildlife area, Weldon Springs, and part of the Katy Trail. Gravel bikes with wider tires are highly recommended for increased speeds and comfort on this ride. If you have a gravel bike, give this ride a go! The route we take will depend on rider enthusiasm or lack of it!
Climbing Elevation: 1008′ to 1675′
West Hwy 64, left (southwest) on Hwy 94, Approximately 2.2 miles to Weldon Spring Interpretive Center on right.
Cue Sheet: Busch Wildlife 24-29.5-44 – Porkchop Gravel Ride
For USB cable Transfer Navigation .fit File: 44 –
For Smartphone RidewithGPS Transfer: RidewithGPS for 24 mile route
RidewithGPS for 29.5 mile route RidewithGPS for 44 mile route
Download all of the routes so we have them handy.
Experience Level: 3Bb, 3Bc or 4Cb, 4Cc if we do the long one. We’ll see how it goes.
Stops: Regroup stops as needed. You won’t be left behind. No commercial rest stops available on these routes. Several rest areas with pit toilets along route
Weather Considerations: Ride will be canceled if raining or there is a high chance of rain, high winds or too hot. We won’t start in the rain. Please watch the weather forecasts and radar. Always view the website Calendar morning of the ride, in case of cancellation due to weather,
Ride leader: – Joe Kruchowski 314-766-0646 Sharon Kruchowski 314-229-0705
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