STLRC – Upcoming Rides and Events

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STLRC Ride Leader Introduction Meeting

This is an invitation to a Ride Leader Meeting for current ride leaders and prospective leaders.

When:  Wednesday, February 19    10:30AM

Where:  Kruchowski Residence

6839 Grove Springs Ct., Oakville, MO  63129

Duration:  Approximately 1.5 hours    RSVP needed.

Purpose of the Meeting:  

After four years of experience of posting rides and dealing with ride posting issues with our current system, I realize that posting rides on our website can be challenging for some.  With that in mind, to streamline the ride posting process and to get more members to lead rides, we are going with a different approach to putting a ride posting on the STLRC calendar.

I believe that some members are uncomfortable with posting their own rides and we are missing many different riding opportunities.

For those who do not wish to post their own rides, I or another veteran ride poster would post the rides for you by using the following procedure:

  1. Select a ride from our extensive Cue Sheet Library or provide a new route to the webmaster at Note: If you create a brand-new route, please give the webmaster at least a week to get the details in the proper format for posting to the website.  Also, I have not ridden every available ride in the Cue Sheet Library. So, you may know more about some of these routes than I do.
  2. Select the date, start time, distance, the expected speed you will ride, and the departure time. Also, let the webmaster know if there are any special notes or info you want on your posting.
  3. After getting your ride details together – send this info to Joe Kruchowski, STLRC Webmaster, at or at his personal email address which can be found in the protected membership area.
  4. We will then review your request, make any suggestions to you about your ride, and then post the ride for you.

We will discuss this ride posting concept, hit on some safety topics, and generally see if we can get more members leading different types of rides so all of our members feel included in club activities.

This is a non-compulsory meeting. You do not have to attend if you presently are a ride leader and have a good handle on posting rides or if you have already been utilizing the above procedure to get your rides on the calendar by contacting me.

But if you want to lead rides and the whole internet website thing is holding you back, then this is the best way to overcome that issue.

Please RSVP if you plan on attending.  

Contact Joe Kruchowski – 314-766-0646

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