STLRC – Upcoming Rides and Events

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Participation in STLRC Rides & Hikes is at your own risk. STLRC assumes no liability.

Starting Location: Old Valmeyer Borsch Park – Margraphics Drive

Time of Departure:   7:00AM

Description:  Century ride to Chester, Illinois.  Probably average 13 to 14 mph.  There will be NO Sag on this ride so bring plenty of snacks.

Directions: Old Valmeyer Borsch Park

  • I-270/255 E across the JB Bridge.
  • Exit Columbia /Hwy 3 South passing the Marketplace.
  • Right on Valmeyer Road to Bluff Road.
  • Left on Bluff Road into Old Valmeyer.
  • Left on Margraphics Drive into City Park.


  • Take Hwy 3 South to Hwy 156 in Waterloo –
  • Right on Hwy 156 to Old Valmeyer
  • Go right on Park St.
  • Left on Margraphics Drive
  • Park on right

Cue Sheet:  Old Valmeyer to Chester Century

Print cue sheet on both sides on one sheet of paper.

USB wire transfer Navigation .fit file:  Chester 100 mile

For Smartphone RidewithGPS Transfer:    Smartphone RidewithGPS file Old Valmeyer to Chester 100

Rest Stops:  Regroup & hydration stops periodically.  Some of the rest stops depicted on the attached Popeye cue sheet do not exist on this ride. There is No SAG vehicle.

#1 Rest stop at 25.7 miles Fort parking lot – pit toilets

#2  30.2 miles at Prairie Du Rocher City Park restrooms.  There is a convenience store in Prairie du Rocher where you can buy sandwiches, drinks, etc.

#3  at  53 miles  Chester, IL

Road Hazards: Pothole here and there. Might be some chip seal about also. Watch out at the rough railroad crossings.

Bikes: Please make sure your bicycle and tires are in excellent condition for this ride.  Might need a light cycling jacket, arm warmers, etc. Hydrate the day before. Bring 2 bottles or a Camelbak of electrolyte drinks and snacks along on the ride.

Weather Considerations: The ride will be canceled and rescheduled if it’s raining or a high percentage of rain or high winds are forecasted. Watch the weather forecasts and radar. Check the website for any corrections or cancellations before you leave home. Contact ride leader with questions.

RSVP – Please call or text Sue DiPiano at the number below if you intend to ride.

Ride Leader:  Sue DiPiano – 314-448-0789

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