STLRC – Upcoming Rides and Events
MCT Ride
August 8 @ 9:30 am - 2:00 pm
Participation in STLRC Rides and Hikes is at your own risk. STLRC assumes no liability.
Starting Location: Metro East Park and Recreation District Office. 104 United Drive. Collinsville, IL 62234
Meeting Time: 9:15 am
Time of Departure: 9:30 am
(Always check before the ride to make sure the time isn’t adjusted or canceled due to weather and other emergencies.)
Description: Ride on trails a some quiet country roads to Marine via Nickel Plate Trail to Blackburn/Fruit Rds. Then south on Marine Rd. to make the route more than an out and back on our usual Heritage Trail route. This route is 40 miles. Anyone wanting less can do the traditional route by going straight to Marine on the Heritage Trail. This route is 34 miles. Both are mostly flat. Average mph will be 10-12 mph. No cue sheet. No drop on the planned 40 mile route.
Restrooms: at the start of hike behind MEPRC Building and at the park in Marine.
Directions from St. Louis:
. Cross the Mississippi River on the Poplar St. Bridge (Interstates 64, 55, 70) into Illinois.
. Stay on I-55, I-70 to Exit 11 (Collinsville exit).
. Turn left on IL Hwy. 157 for 1/2 mi to United Drive.
. Turn left on United Drive. (Culver’s Restaurant on the left)
Ride Coordinator: Faye Holdenried 636-399-4604 (Sue Wilhelm is helping with the navigation.)
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